

Hey ya'll! Welcome to my life style blog Southern Class & Sass! My name is Katie Beth. I'm 18 years old living in a small town. I enjoy dancing, learning new things, fashion, beauty, and country living. I wanted to create a blog just to express my thoughts and emotions as I adventure through this life, discovering myself. If you have found my page I hope you enjoy reading and become inspired!

Lulu Haul + review!!

Hey Ya'll!! Soooo I got a surprising amount of graduation money and decided to have a Lululemon splurge. For some, this may be an everyday kinda haul but for me it was more of a splurge! LOL So let's start with shorts I bought! 1. Hotty Hot Short 2 (long- 4") I have worn these so much already this summer!! I chose to go with the black ones so they would match pretty much whatever and I love them.  The name Hotty Hot just comes from the fact that they are very breathable shorts in hot weather! They are also lined so underwear is optional. And as a side note, I prefer the long 4" ones in all the shorts. They just look more appropriate on me. I have thick thighs and can't really pull off the shorty shorts. But some girls love the 2". I would just rather always have the 4"! 2.  Tracker Short V These are also a longer length short and they look so good with everything!! They are a l...

Single Sadness...When everyone is in a relationship but you!

I have honestly started to question “Is there anyone out there for me?” I think and imagine my perfect guy all the time just treating me and others with such kindness, and I imagine myself putting so much trust in him. I imagine someone that I can go to church with but someone that I can enjoy a social outing or concert with. I imagine a guy that is into me for my heart and not just my looks. I imagine a boy that is simple and cute and a little country. I imagine my perfect person ALL the time. And while this is a good thing, it can also be unhealthy. When we start to obsess over finding the right person it takes away from the season of life we are in right now. Yes, you should pray for a person to come in your life one day that makes you realized why it never worked with anyone else. But no, you should not spend everyday in misery waiting for your person. And no, you should not just date ANYONE that breathes oxygen just to feel wanted. No, you should not feel unhappy in your singl...

Valedictorian Speech

Thank you. Dear graduates, family, and friends, I would like to welcome you all to the 2018 Kossuth High School Commencement Ceremony. I am Katherine Elizabeth Newcomb, valedictorian for the 2018 graduating class, better known as Katie Beth. Many of you probably did not expect me to be the student speaking today, considering all the blonde jokes I have grown used to and I’m sorry if you lost that bet.  I would like this address to be very original and fairly brief. I know you do not want to endure an extensive, cliché speech. Follow your dreams, shoot for the stars, you can achieve anything you set your mind to, blah blah blah. Those types of speeches are heard time and time again. I, however, have chosen something that touches me personally: regarding our high school years, right now, and our futures, I would like to talk about the bittersweet truth of graduation. During the past four years we did not realize we were making memories; we just thought we were happily survi...

Jaclyn Hill Morphe Palette Review!!

Hey y'all! So I know I haven't posted in a while and finally got around to posting my review on this palette! I am going to show you my favorite looks along with favorite shades and all the pros/cons! My first favorite look would have to be the rose gold/taupe look that I created!  It is pretty simple but super elegant and can be worn as an everyday eye makeup. Transition- Pooter  Crease- Jacz Lid- Faint  Highlight (brow & inner corner)- Beam Next look is a army green color and is super cute with more edgy outfits! Pooter- the transition shade Beem & diva- highlight and lid Enchanted- in around crease Look number three was one of my favorites that I did for prom!! Simple GLAM! (Can't remember the exact shades used; I was in a hurry) My Favorite Shades          Love the highlight colors!!!        Enlight  ...

Glimpse of Being a Mom

The "simple"job of babysitting everyday for the last two months has taught me more about myself, kids, and my future more than I would have imagined... My patience has been tested, I have finished some days feeling sooo drained, but I have also been loved and felt so much love for a child. I would like to express the lessons I have learned from keeping an 18 month-old little rascal of a boy. 1. With kids, nothing is simple. Well that's probably obvious you say, but a lot of people never put this into consideration before having kids. - You can't simply run to Walmart for some milk. Because that would require getting the child dressed and ready, with all their stuff (sippie cup, toy, diaper bag), fighting to get them buckled in a carseat and keeping them from running away in the store. And keeping them from crying in the store or constantly saying "bye-bye" - You can't simply go out to eat for a burger. Because you're trying ...