My 3 Day Juice Cleanse!!

Hey ya'll! So for a good while now, the fitness/health craze has been all about the "cleanse". I've seen some of the craziest ones, that in no way would cleanse your system. But I decided to do one that really works!! Continue reading to find out how I lost 2 pounds in just 3 days! Ok so I actually bought these juices from a lady that has a juicer and makes them for people! They were fairly expensive ($12 a piece) for 30 oz. bottles. But she uses all kinds of organic vegetables and fruits that can be costly, plus the time she puts into making them. So I took this picture after I poured the orange for day one (rolls eyes at myself). My plan was to drink only this juice for 3 days to give myself a total reset from all the processed, fake sugar I'd been consuming and also uptake on the nutrients I needed more of from fruits and vegetables. Day 1 So I started off with the orange one. I don't know her exact recipe, but I can tell you, this...