My 3 Day Juice Cleanse!!
Hey ya'll! So for a good while now, the fitness/health craze has been all about the "cleanse". I've seen some of the craziest ones, that in no way would cleanse your system. But I decided to do one that really works!!
Continue reading to find out how I lost 2 pounds in just 3 days!
Ok so I actually bought these juices from a lady that has a juicer and makes them for people!
They were fairly expensive ($12 a piece) for 30 oz. bottles. But she uses all kinds of organic vegetables and fruits that can be costly, plus the time she puts into making them.
So I took this picture after I poured the orange for day one (rolls eyes at myself). My plan was to drink only this juice for 3 days to give myself a total reset from all the processed, fake sugar I'd been consuming and also uptake on the nutrients I needed more of from fruits and vegetables.
Day 1
So I started off with the orange one. I don't know her exact recipe, but I can tell you, this one tasted like a straight up carrot! While I could taste other fruits/vegggies, the carrot was definitely pungent.
I was doing fine drinking this till about lunch time. My withdrawal from caffeine (coffee addict) and sugar kicked in. I felt sooo tired and had a headache. Luckily I had time for a nap to avoid it.
That night I'd planned to workout but I felt terrible. So in order to make myself feel better, I ended up eating some vegetables and a small amount of lean protein, baked chicken.
I instantly felt better and was able to do my workout but still felt hungry as I went to bed.
Day 1 was definitely the hardest, because your body is in such shock from what it's use to! It isn't going to be very comfortable cleansing if you decide to do this. But I realized that because of this, each day I had bowl movements!
And I never go to the bathroom really well. That shows that when you get the vitamins and nutrients you need, without blocking up your system with sugar your digestive tract will function much better!
I did some further research that night on nutrition and found that if you feel like you're starving yourself on the cleanse that it's not going to work as well. You need some type of protein to keep metabolism burning calories instead of holding onto them because your body is afraid it's not going to get fed.
Day 2
Ok this was the day I chose to drink the purple/red colored one. I was rushing to class that morning and didn't think to take a picture but I just filled a tall tumbler with a straw and took it with me.I could mostly taste beets and some berries in it. This one wasn't as bad as the orange but not just wonderful either. I was already feeling lighter (because of good digestion) and my energy level was increasing!
My withdraw symptoms had went away. I did end up eating some more vegetables that night along with some chicken. I also caved and had a cup of coffee because I needed a little more energy to stay up and study.
Day 3
This was the day I was dreading because I don't like green smoothies my mom makes. Turn to find out, the lady that made my juice used kale instead of the spinach that my mom uses. This day was probably the best! I woke up and was pleasantly surprised by the taste of the green! I drank it all quite quickly.She put apples and pineapples in it and that is my favorite! I started adding more food to my diet on this day because I was starting to feel more cleansed.
I just ate lean protein and fruits and veggies. I ate an egg for breakfast along with the green juice. I had a salad for lunch and some more vegetables and chicken for dinner. I did feel like I was eating a lot, but it was all nutritious food that wasn't going to mess up my cleanse.
The next morning....
So after day 3, I woke up the next morning and got on the scale. I'd lost 2 pounds! Probably all from just using the bathroom, lol!! But I took some before and after pictures and there is a major difference in how bloated I was on Monday (day 1) compared to after day 3. It also looks like I may have lost a little around the waist!
I wish I could upload the before and after, but just not comfortable with putting that on the internet for just whoever to see! (Although so many people do)
Overall experience
I am very proud I did this for myself. It has helped me set myself up for further healthy eating. Trying to make this a lifestyle is very difficult. But if you just consider it as a diet then as soon as you quit the results will be lost!
I am also more motivated to start working out. I really need to get back in the gym and work my muscles, because unlike popular believe lifting weight actually decreases your fat and makes you smaller! Most women think lifting makes you bulk....that's a whole other topic!!!
If you're interested in juicing here's some recipes that my juicer lady said were similar to hers!
Stay classy and sassy!
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