How a Messy Person Stays Organized

So, you are probably already questioning this oxymoronic title. Organization is an interesting topic for me. I kinda straddle the fence when it comes to organization because my personality is not extremely cleanly and tidy, but I do have to have some order to my chaos for me to be successful.
   Ever since I was a little child my mom has called me "Messy Marvin" because I just don't mean to, but any task I complete always ends in a mess. I am definitely not the OCD type like my brother is, always having everything in place. But I do kinda have of organization in certain areas of my life! To explain...

  My Planner

This is one thing that I have to have! Some people go without them and I don't see how their anxiety level is not through the roof! And for some reason I find writing in my planner SO satisfying. This helps me to see the overall picture, or all the plans that I have each month and each week. Nothing super organized but it helps me!

- Write in everything that comes up for that month, even simple things that aren't huge events. This keeps it on your mind so you are prepared throughout the month.

- Make out your schedule for each week in the weekly view pages. This helps so much in knowing what you need to do each day. Because for me, no week is the same. Even though I have the same overall schedule, little events/tasks pop up each week.

- Check things off a list! Every Sunday I will make a list in the side notes of the goals I have for that week and I will try to check them off throughout the week.

Ok, my makeup is not organized completely perfect like some people's, but it is much better than just thrown in a drawer or makeup bag.

- Having each type of product in a certain place helps in two ways: finding things quicker and comparing the different options. I have all my lipsticks and glosses together so I can decide exactly which shade I want to use.

- Also, I keep my palettes organized for easier access and so I don't "forget" I have certain ones.

- Throw away old makeup products that you don't use! This is also a no brainer but I'm bad about collecting all these tubes of mascara and only two of them that actually still have product left in them!

   Backpack/School Supplies
Honestly don't see how people pass their classes with papers crammed everywhere. Now like I said, I'm not super organized. My notes are somewhat messy but I can still study them just as well.

- Keeping each class in a different folder/binder/notebook. This is a basic tip, but many forget it.
- Also spend a little extra money on loose leaf paper if you keep your notes in a binder. The thicker paper that has reinforces around the holes stays in the binders so much better! Notes look better on the thicker paper because it isn't see through and flimsy.
- Keep all pens/pencils together in a pouch or certain backpack pocket. This keeps you from losing your favorite color pen by dropping it down in the bottom of your backpack.
- If you have many different topics in a certain class USE DIVIDERS. Yes they can be annoying, but keeping each sub-category separate keeps everything in place and also helps you learn it better because it is separated in your mind.

Keeping your car clean is a must. Because if someone has to ride with you and it looks like a pigpen, they are instantly subconsciously judging. (like in the picture below)

- A simple but number one tip= Clean out your car every day!! No, I don't scrub the carpet and detail my vehicle every day, but when I get home I check for trash that I recently accumulated. This tip will keep your car much more organized!

- Make good use of the compartments that is in your vehicle. Driving a Camaro doesn't allow me to have a huge console, but I can still store germX, hairbrushes, chargers, etc. Also, the fact that my car is smaller on the inside, I keep my changes of clothes and backpacks in my trunk, just to keep it out of the way.

- Use air-fresheners!! The smell of your car tells so much about you!!!! If I go on a first date and his truck smells like B.O. or cigarettes- automatic turn off. I don't buy expensive ones because the Christmas trees work pretty good to me. I also spray some cheap VS perfume.

- Don't let dirt in the carpet get out of control! I will run to the car wash often just to use the vacuum.

Most of my clothes are all hanging in my closet, not color coated or anything special. But the clothes that do not hang are easy to keep organized in dresser drawers.

- Always stack your bras!!! This is a no brainer tip also but a lot of people keep them in a wad and this makes the cups deform.
- Just keep all panties in one drawer and socks in another. They don't have to be perfectly placed!

My overall message to this post is... you may be a messy person but can still use some type of organization. It will make your life less chaotic because you can function better in your organized messes!

For more formal, advanced tips on organization with a hot dude explaining....
